A Good Sunday

A good Sunday to me is feeding the horses and mucking out the barn in my pajamas, grabbing a quick cup of coffee while listening to The Flatlanders, and then hopping on my best mare before the rain comes. God’s unending blessings are amazing to me. AHA moment. 

What is your favorite way to spend your Sunday?

3 thoughts on “A Good Sunday

  1. Rocking E Cowgirl

    Sundays are busy at our house! I always hope to catch a rare nap before afternoon barn work, and that’s my little luxury for the week 🙂

    1. NAPS! I wish I could catch one of those every now and then! Whenever I sit down to try and take one, I start making lists of what needs doing before I even know it.

  2. Stacy Jobe

    Avery, this is awesome you’ve started blogging about your life! Miss you, let’s get together and ride sometime soon!

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