Texas Sunset Silhouette

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
-Wayne Dyer

Perspective and point of view.

You can get a photo like this just by getting a little closer, a little lower, and waiting.

I mean, it does help to have something like a Texas river bottom and some pretty ponies to look at, but there is beauty all around us if you open your eyes and look.

Something to think about in life too. There are some things we can and things can not change.

We can do our best to make plans and go about them, but we all know how the best made plans go despite our intentions. We are not in charge of the plan at the end of the day.

I say all the time how life is like working with horses, and this is especially true about young horses.

When things appear to go awry, you just have to take a step back and go back to what you know before you start to go forward again.

It is just a season is all. And hey, it is what it is and they are what they are. With horses, as in life, have faith and realistic expectations, set a routine, and give it time and consistency.

Change your point of view and shift your attitude.

Walk in love, dear readers!

10 thoughts on “Texas Sunset Silhouette

    1. Thank you! We have had some, yes, but we are actually pretty dry right now. In a burn ban. Hopefully we are getting some this week.

  1. Rocking E Cowgirl

    If I had a nickel for every time I have to put my life in “perspective,” girl I’d be rich. It’s all in how you look at it. Being outside in nature, in the quiet, always helps me see things from His perspective.

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