
“After all these years I find it strange how much time it takes to keep things the same”
~Eric Middleton & Adam Hood

Have you ever thought about how much time we spend trying to keep things from changing? Really and truly thought about it? I bet it is more than you would want to admit.

As a historically more than moderate change averse person, I know I have spent quite a bit of time trying to keep things the same. I do not even realize I am doing it most of the time. I have worked hard and am admittedly still working hard (always will probably) to not stand in the way of change and worked to accept its roll in my journey.

The thing about it is, life is about change. I have heard it said, “if you are not changing, you are dying.” I think there is a lot of truth to that statement. As much as we what everything to stay the same, change is the natural progression of our lives. The world is constantly changing whether we like it or not. We can stand there and let the world pass us by, or we can walk our path here and let the chips fall where they may. The choice is ours. Have the faith to trust that it is all worked out.

Walk in love, dear readers!

2 thoughts on “Change

  1. It’s about the comfort zone, staying with what we know. You’re an equestrian like my three daughters, when you ride a larger show, it is staying with what you know … you keep the risk-taking at a minimum. But, when there’s that opening everyone else is passing up, you go for it. It’s knowing when to step out of the zone. 🙂

    Hope you’ve been having a good weekend.

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