Just Because

Just because.

Because I said so, that is why.

Did your mom ever tell you that as a kid? Or even still now? Once a mom always a mom they say. Mine did it some. It always bugged me, as it does most kids thinking they know all.

Anyway. That is not what this post is about.

I am going to fill this post with between the ears photos just because.

Just because I feel like it and that is what is filling my brain right now. The need to just ride. So, I share these with all of you who need it too.

“My lack of thoughts yesterday got me thinking about thinking.
Thinking too much can be counter productive.
Sometimes it is good to clear your mind of thoughts, relax, lose yourself in the moment and just ride. It is amazing how many things can just fall into place when you do this.”
Ian Leighton

From one over thinker to another!

The ironic thing about it all is that overthinking and that endless circular cycle leads to a lack of real, productive thought. Gets you nowhere I tell you. Makes you feel like you have a lack of thoughts. Funny thing to think about, but hey. Hence the lack of posts over here!

For me, overthinking has a direct relationship with my ride time. I guess actually, technically, it would be an inverse relationship if you want to get, you know, technical.

The less ride time I get, the deeper in the circular hole of overthinking I go and you can say bye bye to all my deep thoughts.

I clearly got a little overzealous in stating that the riding drought was over. I have not ridden since. However, it looks like this weekend is a go. Praise the Lord!

So, this is me this week.

Carefully tip toeing across to get to Friday.

To get to my open spaces and velvet muzzle nuzzles.

To saddle time. And lots of it hopefully.

Bring it on.

Walk in love, dear readers! You are almost there.

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