I Know You Are Curious

It was a cold and wet day yesterday that had me wanting to snuggle up next to a fireplace with a good book and my dog at my feet. Especially when it is a Monday and your work computer goes on the fritz, again, wasting half a day. Today is still chilly, but they say it is going to be sunny and will warm up.

This weekend brought a legitimate cold front our way and brought straight up winter. Cold, windy, cloudy winter. Such a damper I dare say. It was hard to get much done. You just have to love Texas weather and marvel at it while throwing a sheet on the old horse. It was a good thing I had yet to put the blankets away!

The only photo I took this weekend other than some of Darcy pointing at a squirrel like the good bird dog she is.

Alright, back to last week. I know you are dying to know. If you wanted to know, since I asked you, yes I indeed do believe in Angels. I have not seen one before, but I know people who have and have received messages from them. I am not sure if I believe in ghosts or not, but I have always felt that our farm house has one. Clearly benign. I also once had a rather long conversation, mostly one sided, with our exterminator on ghosts. He definitely believes in them and says he has two in his house. One not so nice apparently. I sure as heck do not believe in Ouija boards.

Now for animal communicators. I will let you do your own research on it if you wish, but I will get straight on with it.

In my, I guess excitement coupled with curiosity, I reached out to two different people I found via a couple of recent threads in a horsemanship forum on the internet. It was/is a very popular subject it seems. One lady does this just for fun and anther you pay $50 for a 30 minute phone call. Interesting, I know, but this is apparently a thing.

After my inquiries, I went about my business with not much other thought on it.

Then I got a message reply from the free lady. Here is our resulting conversation…

Me: Hello there. I saw your comment on a post in the Horse Human Bond group. I am interested in someone communicating with my horse and was wondering if you could help me. I have never done this kind of thing before, but we have been having issues lately and I just wish I knew what happened or what is going through his head. His name is Lito. (I also included some photos).
Animal Communicator (AC): Oh gosh! I have done communications on the past but not for years. Happy to have a go . Don’t tell me any more, and give me a couple of days. 🙂
Me: OK, thanks. I really appreciate it!
AC: Oh! Gut pain? Impatience. Okay, I guess we’re doing this right now ! Babyish. Like… inexperience. Gut. Gut gut gut. Hingut ulcers a possibility? Being skittish sideways. Just throwing everything I get out there to you at the mo.
Me: Interesting. I don’t know! I’m not sure if he’s shown signs or not. He is out on pasture 24/7. But I have been drawn to listen to his gut a lot lately. I also worry abt colic like most horse ppl. Do you want to me comment or no lol sorry.
AC: I don’t even know what the signs are for them, I think they’re fairly silent. Whatever you feel like lol.
Me: He is not yet 5. There has been lots of sideways recently lol.
AC: There’s tenderness on his right hand flank… like maybe it hurts issue or maybe he’s been bruised there. Sorry sometimes the info isn’t always in chronological order. Like this could have been a past thing but I’m getting current. Oh, something’s changed, and he’s really confused about why. Is he stabled now? Away from his friends? I’m not at all sure this us right but, saved from a place with lots of horses crammed in together. He’s pawing a lot, as if in frustration, though I think that’s at me 😂
Me: Interesting. His living has not changed, but we went to a weekend clinic in the beginning of March where he was stabled. I would not consider that cramped. And back in the fall we went on a week long trail ride where he had to stay in a tent barn. That I would consider cramped! He paws out of frustration. He’s very communicative.
AC: Yeah, that makes sense. He’s shown me him bucking and broncing and he slipped, twisted his pelvis. Near hind.
Me: Not while riding.
AC: No, in the field.
Me: Yes, well wow. That has happened recently. Can you tell him something?
AC: I love it when specific enough communication happens to confirm it! Sure. He does like you. He’s confused as F sometimes but he feels is important to let you know he likes you.
Me: Tell him I’m so sorry that happened. I never wanted anything like that to ever happen to him ever!
AC: OK he’s not done saying stuff then I’ll see if he received that. Why is he showing me his forehead? Its a really specific place, and I don’t think it’s on him but there’s a crescent moon shaped star. Is this another horse?
Me: He has a little tiny star. Um. Another horse. Thinking.
AC: The other thing is a dog, white and brown. Short haired dog.
Me: We have a passed white and brown English setter. Had some hair but not like most ppl think of. Short for setters. Ugh I can’t think. Star only? Not star stripe?
AC: A scar? Is there anybody with that shaped scar or markings? Is his moon shaped?? Bay.
Me: Well his mom has some scars on her side. One somewhat crescent moon shaped. And star stripe. She’s not bay. We have a passed horse that was bay. I want to say she had a scar but can’t remember. Or where.
AC: Any of these have a banged fringe? Like somebody went to tidy it up but the forelock ended up cut straight across?
Me: Hmm. No.
AC: Okay. I don’t know what that is then. Perhaps it’ll percolate through over the next few days. I tried your message again – there’s a lot of sadness from him. Also release, you know when they do a big sigh. He’s asking for more time to figure things out. Like if you ask him to do something under saddle, give him more time to work out the response. There’s a horse that’s passed over who spends time with him a lot. He’s comforted by her. Maybe this is the moon scar/star one.
Me: I’m sad he’s sad. It’s tearing me up these last few weeks that it has not been the same. OK, I will do that.
AC: Gosh. And a sister. This is a really weird/uncomfortable thing to say but I don’t know if she’s here or if she was a twin pinched out or lost in pregnancy.
Me: Oh wow. His mom took with twins and we pinched one of them off. Yikes.
AC: OK. The other was a filly and she’s around with him, happy and carefree. Its very much a nice feeling.
Me: Oh ❤️
AC: I see there being two passed horses with him, one this twin and other other an older mare, a mother figure but not his mother. He’s fully aware of them both around and kinda amazed that these humans can’t see them 🙂. Okay, I think there might be a list of demands about to happen, like a pop star’s hotel rider. He wants to play, he wants a play mate his age.
Me: Oh I want that for him so bad. He loves to play and only has older ones that do not want to really play.
AC: He wants to just chill out with you, hang around like friends. I see it as when you’re on him he would like some of the time to pootle around, have his say in where to go – he wants to show you some things, like objects or places. That’s not to say that’s the only thing he wants to do with you but the impression overall is less of the agenda, more of just spending time together bonding. There may be eating straw involved in this 🙄 (I dunno, that’s just what I’m getting!) There’s a girl? As in a child? He likes her.
Me: OK lol I enjoy the piddle bonding too. In fact prefer it. I just get wrapped up in trying to accomplish.
AC: Can you do fun things with him? Like hide the carrot?
Me: There are a few girls that love him. How little? More about her? OK, lol, hide the carrot.
AC: Blonde. I’m a bit rubbish with ages but maybe 7-8 ish? She’s ridden him, or at least sat on him. Oh! There a bit of an oops there, like that wasn’t something you were supposed to know about! 😳
Me: OK the only one that’s sat on him is 3 and she is blonde. Ohhhhhhh well, I suppose that is a possibility too. With the older blonde one.
AC: Lol. Her, the older one. He likes her.
Me: Tel him it’s OK. I would have done the same at her age and in fact did.
AC: Lol. He could, if you allowed it, be a really special relationship with her. The little one is cute too but wriggly 😂. He’s like you to gauge his mood when you go to ride him, then do something that fits. Sometimes that’s high energy, sometimes that’s a plod hack. He’d like a tyre or some tyres to play with, they look like fun.
Me: OK. Like a car tire?
AC: Any questions you have for him? Yes, a car tyre.
Me: Ok lol. What does he want to do more of? What happened with the trailer? Please don’t chase Apache! …or the dogs. Play with Petunia and Chance! Does he like the group trail rides?
AC: More fun. Variety. His back legs slipped – particularly that one we talked about earlier. He showed me him turning around and walking away from the trailer. Not running but in a no thanks mood.
MeHow come? Because of the slipping?
AC: Did he travel with an Appaloosa? (Or however that’s spelled!) Trailer is too small for him, so he says. Width ways (but height too.)
Me: Not travel, lives with one. I have worried about the trailer being too small. I can’t fix that over night. 
AC: I’m definitely getting a kind of that’s how he feels about it but not the truth as we humans would see it – we would see it as he’s feeling a bit claustrophobic. He’s always in the left side of the trailer when he shows me. View from behind.
MeI understand that. I get claustrophobic too. But it’s a really nice safe trailer.
AC: He doesn’t understand the trailer. Small space, loud noises, vibration, balance, get out somewhere different. I’m still seeing this appy in with him. Maybe one to try?
MeDoes he not enjoy when we go places? When he’s out of the trailer? OK. So appy in the trailer? He want to try that? Does he say why?
AC: Yes he enjoys it but there’s a feeling of overwhelm, like he’s just had to deal with the trailer now all the new sensory explosions of a new place. I’m reminded of adults with autism, lots of quite intense sensory stimulus at once is hard for him to deal with. It’s exhausting for him. The trail rides are fun, but the sensory experience is exhausting.
Me: Which hind leg? How can I help him with the sensory overload? Also. Kites and fireworks won’t hurt him.
AC: Near hind. Can we get used to the trailer journeys and not end up in a new place – so load, go for a drive, end up at home. Needs longer to adjust to the trailer than you think. Or go somewhere, but go to the same place each time.
MeOK that was my plan for the next step.
AC: Trusts the appy. I get the impression that is is Apache, the one you want him to stop chasing?
Me: Yes.
AC: One of the mares he was talking about earlier names begins with an E. He wants you to tell him yourself about not chasing Apache etc and to tell you the others don’t always want to play. (I do not know the mare.)
Me: I know they don’t want to play lol and I do tell him! 😂 tell him myself, funny guy.
AC: Yes, sense of humour for sure. Kites and fireworks same sensory problem – overwhelm. Your heart rate goes up which shows him you’re worried about them. (I was not by him during the kite incident, but I was in sight.) He not gonna agree to stop playing with the dogs 😳😂
Me: Gosh I love this horse. He knows that right? He is a gift to me. Means the world to me.
AC: He knows ☺️

Then the conversation ended because it was in the middle of the night for her.

Interesting, no? I do not know how she could have come up with some of those things.
A day or so later I had my paid phone conversation. I wanted to do two to see if they would say the same things. This lady was older and kinda hard to understand. I did not write this conversation down and I do not remember all of it (because she thought I had a pet parrot, nothing against that…I just do not have one), but here is the gist…

His vertebrae are out in his croup and his right hind is sore. She said nothing about his gut until I asked specifically about his intestines. To which she responded, why yes, there is a spot there that is painful. He thinks the idea of dressage is silly, does not see the point, and prefers trail riding in western tack. I am a good rider and he had no complaints (He does not know any different, so we will take it!). I have good, soft, steady hands. My right stirrup is slightly longer than my left and I drop my inside shoulder going counter clockwise (which, when I think about it…might be true). He likes me and my pockets full of treats. He thinks his mom is a *cough,* or er acts like a, uhh, female dog. He stopped talking because he started eating. (For this conversation I was sitting on the porch watching him in the pasture. He was grazing the whole time.)

And there you have it! What are your thoughts?
Walk in love, dear readers!