Spring Is Here.

In case you missed the memo, spring is indeed here and it has been lovely! I feel like last year we only had a flash of spring before it was full on summer hot, so this has been really nice.

Except it actually got a bit cold at the end of this last weekend and I was quite glad I still had a sweater in the truck!

So, what is that? Where have I been?

Ha, that is a good question. Contrary to some beliefs, I have not fallen off the face of the earth. Yes, I know you are glad. I have just been very busy. How boring of an answer, I know! The truth is, I just have not had much free time to make for the blog unfortunately. Not for lack of want to, mind you. This is just where I am at right now. I even started this post over a week ago if that gives you an idea.

In fact, the other day…which actually means well over a month ago…I took a bunch of pictures of young wild flowers and budding plants as evidence of spring’s official arrival with full intentions of writing to y’all about it.

Anyway, I am here now and that is that!

We have of course been riding and enjoying the weather.

I have actually been working on getting my Cheetah girl into some semblance of riding shape just for fun. She is missing that part of our relationship I think and I absolutely have. We take it day by day and meet her where she is at with the goal of staying inside her comfort zone. She has good days where you might think she has no arthritis at all and she has some not so good days. Her brain on the other hand thinks she is about four years old all the time as opposed to almost twenty. It is a fine dance.

Close your eyes and your ears, but I ordered a new saddle for Lito. Which means, I have a saddle to sell. It has to happen, I have reached that point. If anyone is needing a saddle or knows someone that is…please send them my way!

On Good Friday, Merle and I went to meet R’s new foal and then went over to her new property to celebrate the closing and being closer to each other geographically. We had a dang good time exploring. Merle also had a very proper, good time.

Then on Easter Saturday my Grandmother came out to the farm for a visit which was really nice as she got to visit all the horses and give them treats.

Lito also turned 11! It feels like just yesterday he was born!

Then we went on our annual Spring Ride with my ladies riding group. We were blessed with spectacular weather and My Lito was very good. Especially since he apparently had the world’s largest splinter in his neck the whole time.

If you look really closely at Litoโ€™s throat latch area behind his jaw, you can see the abscess.

…If you are squeamish, you may just want to scroll on…it is going to get a little gory…

Yes, splinter. When we arrived on late Friday afternoon, I noticed a little tiny scab and a swelling that grew up and away from the scab on his neck. He was mildly bothered by it, but I decided to watch it over the weekend. It did not do much changing, but by Monday morning it appeared to be a little more raised and possibly a little harder. Luckily, our vet was able to fit us in Monday morning so I loaded him back up to go investigate at the clinic. The ultrasound probe was barely on his neck before Dr. F swung the screen around exclaiming, “Yup, look, there it is!”

After a little sedation and a little cut, we had the world’s largest splinter thankfully out of his neck.

Naturally I took the splinter home so I could show all my horse friends!

Dr. F was quite happy with how it all went, but of course wanted daily treatment.

So, that is what we have been doing lately! Monitoring, hydroing, cleaning, and treating. All the while running up and down the highway working both in and out of the office. My phone is full of daily progress pictures and we are now almost healed up. We have just been taking it easy since then, but I had a full on proper horse girl bareback Saturday with all the ridden horses followed by a deep grooming session for My Lito Man. All the horses are looking really good and shiny. The best thing coming out of winter.

I am currently wishing I could go back to Saturday as life is about to get even more hectic.

Walk in love, dear readers!

Monday Morning Coffee Moment.

Good morning, my dear readers!

A little Monday morning coffee break moment for you.

A reminder for you on this fine day.

Remember those life lessons you have learned over the years.

They were presented to you for a reason, for you to learn what works and does not work for you.

Stir that around in your pot of thoughts.

Sometimes those same similar situations will present themselves to you again from time to time and you will recognize a little something that will raise a flag to get your attention. Are you paying attention? It is up to you to see and feel that flag and move accordingly if you want to keep moving forward.

Your AHA moment for the day!

Walk in love, dear readers! Have a great one!

Spring Is Coming.

Real quick here today, but newsflash, spring is coming. It is, trust me.

It may be windy and cold today, but the trees are budding, the bees are pollinating, and the horses are shedding.

It. Is. Happening.

Anyway, the horses are finishing their breakfast and I am waiting on my coffee before heading down to feed the cows.

Another news flashโ€ฆ.

I finally rode last weekend!

All became right in my world the minute I swung my leg over.

Today wonโ€™t be a riding day as almost all the horses seem a hand higher than normal with the wind, but tomorrow and Monday are looking promising!

Walk in love, dear readers! Spring is coming!

Rainy Winter Blues.

Well, uh ya, hi there! How are y’all this evening?

What do you know?

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I will just go ahead and throw in a Happy Valentine’s Day as well! And everything in between for good measure. Why not?! It is right around the corner. It is OK if you only just realized that point and, hey, we can always use more love, right!?

Get yourself a little libation of some kind and catch up with me. It is just that kind of evening.

Let us see. Long time no talk! I can not believe it has been since before Christmas I last wrote. What has been going on?

I suppose a lot has happened, but then again, not quite a lot actually has! Life just took over and I seemed to have no space in my little pot of thoughts for blogging or any other forms of social media. Good or bad, right or wrong, it does not matter, it is what it is. I looked up and here we are in February.

I started to write a couple of weeks ago and it went something like this…

My dry and crispy little table top Christmas tree is still standing there, droopy limbs and all, on my table. Said table is covered in folded laundry and my hampers are full of dirty laundry waiting to go through the machines. But, hey, my machines are going, so we are making progress. My truck is a disaster, just full of living, shall we call it. It might as well be a closet. However, the barn is clean, or at least it was when I left the farm on Sunday. Who knows what kind of horsey party shenanigans have been going on in there since it has been raining since I left and will continue to until the weekend.

So, you can now scratch all of that above.

The Christmas tree has been dismantled, decorations have been put away, and the table has been cleaned and set…actually, all the surfaces have been cleaned. The laundry has not only been done but it has been put away (gasp!)…well, the hamper is full again somehow, but forget about that. My house is the cleanest it has been in a while and I even have bagged up 3 bags full of clothes to take to donation. Something happened and I went into full deep spring cleaning. I am hoping it is not premature! I had to put all that energy somewhere I guess.

The barn however, that is another story. We have had even more rain and therefore more mud. I did not leave it as clean as I normally do. I just could not do it. I needed a break. It feels like all I have done for a month is feed, muck, treat hooves, and try not to slip and fall in the mud. I even left early on Sunday…to clean my house…


Since we last spoke, Christmas was celebrated and baking was done. I could write a whole post on the life lessons learned from baking, but I will spare you. The flavors were good, but nothing really turned out as expected or played by the rules. It was all fine and everyone seemed to like the desserts, but to me this year they did not pass muster! I am not even going to share finished pictures!

New Year’s Eve was peaceful and quiet, blessedly. R and I continued our tradition of closing out the year in the right way with a ride.

The day started out like this.

Just us and our horses. We packed food and had our music. We rode for hours and then sat and talked for hours. It was the best day.

On New Year’s Day I rang in the new year from the backs of my dun duo before I had to go back to town. It was the best way to welcome the new year. For me, the only way to ensure a good year is to begin and end it with a ride. Forget the black eyed peas and all that other nonsense. Spend it doing what you love! Begin as you mean to go on! It sure has worked out for me lately, so I bet none of you are surprised I made sure to do it again. NYE and NYD are just another day like any other, but if you have the right mindset and try and keep the perspective every day…you are setting yourself up for success.

Then, Lito decided to colic. He recovered fine. I waffled on and off about whether or not to even write that as I don’t want questions or to keep that energy, but horses are going to horse and sometimes it sucks. There is no avoiding it. That is fact. That is life. So there it is. Keeping it real.

Then the winter weather came.

Now, I am fully aware that y’all up north have ‘real’ winters with much lower temperatures and much more snow and ice. I am also aware that this latest winter event was also nothing like that crazy big freeze we had a couple years ago, but we did have noisy sleet (and much more of it than they were predicting….also, can we please talk about how awful sleet and ice sound? It is gross) and temperatures at about 20 to 18 deg F with wind chills at about 7 deg F.

It is still a lot of work and stress to make sure all horses and cows have enough to eat and drink and that the barn is mucked (yay for frozen poop being easier to scoop!). That certain horses have access to wind breaks and shelter, to make a four horse barn work for six. That certain old and young cows have made it to morning. It will sure make you grateful for a barn! I was also still on hyper colic alert, so you can bet everyone was getting electrolytes and probiotics the whole time.

I will say cold mornings are really pretty and hot chocolate in your coffee makes it all easier. Take my word for it and do it. Maybe not not the best idea every day if you live in perpetual winter, maybe just when it is really bad. You do you though!

Once everything thawed out, we did discover a few broken water troughs that needed fixing after the freeze. I think their main downfall was actually age coupled with multiple freezes. It was just their time. To be honest, I am somewhat glad as it gives us the opportunity to get them set up better than they were to begin with. Life is all about perspective, I tell you!

Winter is just hard on living beings, especially the old ones. That is the hardest part above and beyond the work. Every morning I went down to cube the cows and break ice I was extra excited to see our geriatric Longhorn steer ready to get fed with everyone else. His name was Chacho. A staple in our herd as we had him for well over 20 years. He was even first in line to get fed the last cold morning. He got his own special, large pile of feed and hay as he has gotten for years. He ate well and I was surprised when later that morning Pops told me he was down and believed this was it. He seemingly laid down with a belly full of breakfast and went to sleep. That was it. It is crazy how you go for years thinking this is going to be it. He won’t make it through this winter and they prove you wrong so many times. Then when their time finally comes you are shocked. It is the end of an era, but what a blessing to have it be the way it was.

He was really old even here. Curly the bull has been gone a long time. Now these two bros are reunited.

Now here we are in our rainy season (which I will take over freezing). We have gotten many inches of rain in a couple of weeks. I think last week we got eight inches or more and on Friday night alone we got close to 2 inches. It is like the water is just coming out of the ground. Everything is slick. The pond is quite large. All the terraces are full and flowing.

I am not complaining about the rain. I will never complain about the rain.

I just.

I have MAJOR rainy winter blues. I have not ridden since New Year’s Day I do not think. I am not handling this well either. I feel like I am in a major funk.

Anyone want to gift me a covered arena?

Even still, with all of this rain, we have also had sun. Blessed sun. The pastures are benefiting. I have seen it with my own eyes. THE GRASS IS GROWING.

We have also done some of this. A happy Merle makes me happy and growing grass makes me happy. JUST LOOK AT HIM.

I did take a free weekend between the rains to slip away and go fishing with my parents, so that was nice to have little mini vacation away to one of my favorite places.

Tell me what you have been up to? Anything. Good or bad. Distractions or something to look forward to. Oh! Or vacation plans!

I do know this though. Spring is coming. I know it is. We have rain and sun AND lots of hair coming off the horses. You can do it spring!

Walk in love, dear readers! Have a good evening!

Happy Fall, Y’all!

It is here. Finally.

It is finally fall.

I have to say, I think all of our wishing for summer to hurry up and get on out sure seemed to make it get up and go! This weekend we will have highs in the mid seventies and prayers for rain on the way there. Which, it is currently raining right now while I drink my imaginary cup of coffee. Why imaginary, you ask? Imaginary because I am just a good adult, and I am out of coffee. Well, technically, I am not out as I have a bag of coffee packed for next week, but I do not want to get into it, so I really am being a good adult. Just your average every day musings going on over here.

So, here we are, October, and there you are! If you can not tell, I am more than ready for it. If you know any Texans, I bet you already know this. I might freeze with lows in the low fifties.

Chance started growing his winter coat a couple of weeks ago, which is normal for him, and it was actually noticeably cooler on Sunday morning. My brain wanted to tell me it was even cold! It was not actually cold, we have still been having highs in the nineties and so humid, but the horses’ coats were the tiniest bit puffed up that morning and the nineties are on their way out.

The crazy thing is the timing of it all, but there is never any surprise there. I am just grateful for it. Lito and I will be headed to our annual ladies ride in the hill country for the week starting this weekend and through next week and we will be glad for the cooler temperatures, I grant you that. I think we might both be a bit fresh with it! I will have my lunge line at the ready just in case and his sheet. When temperatures drop while we travel, I always throw his sheet on for some extra comfort. It may just be for me, but it is just something I do along with giving probiotics and electrolytes every time we travel.


I have been jamming to this song and those like it these days. It will make for good driving music.

We are mostly ready to go! The trailer is mostly packed and I have most of my things ready to throw in a bag. I do have to pick up some things at the feed store after I drop my Merley Bob at the kennel tomorrow on my way out to the farm. Leaving Merle behind is one of the worst things about some travel.

I sure wish I had some real coffee right now to go with the pitter pat of the rain on the car port tin roof.

Well, it is way past time for me to get going for the day and I have lot to do before I head out tomorrow.

Have a great day, dear readers, and walk in love!

Trip Hangover.

I think trip hangovers just get worse with age, just like regular hangovers. Why can’t it be the opposite? Like wine and beauty?

This time, the trip hangover lasted about a good week and it felt like it took me almost a solid two weeks to get to feeling like my regular self and back in the groove, but truthfully I did/do not have time to wallow in a trip hangover even if it was obviously and absolutely worth it.

I have of course been back to riding my big boy, as per usual. He had a little two week break with my traveling which is good for him.

We ride all summer and all year, so periodic breaks are good for his mind and body. Besides the fact that I would do it anyway, riding through the summer is important around here unless you have your own covered arena…which I do not. Most people seem to take the heat of the summer (which has been about three months worth this year) off of riding in addition to winter, but you never know when in the winter or more desirable temperature months you will not be able to ride because of rain and mud. We really generally only have two seasons, summer and winter. The other two seasons kind of only pass through. Keeping a higher level of baseline fitness for them (AND you) is better and easier and SAFER to me than having to hurry up and get one legged up two different times of year in a hurry before it gets two cold/wet or too hot.

THE POINT IS (don’t worry, you did not miss anything), news flash, Lito is the best boy and acted like he did not even have a break.

Last weekend I was in Dallas for my niece/Goddaughter’s baptism.

We have been busy this year and it is not over yet! We still have a couple exciting things coming up.

Long time readers know we go on a big adventure every October and this year is no different. We will head to the hill country in about three weeks (actually, less than!) and the count down has begun in earnest. No rest for the weary, as they say, but hey, we can rest when we are in the nursing home, right?! We have good reason to hit the fitness grindstone. More riding equals a happy Avery and Lito, so it is no hardship to be sure.

Then in November, I will be headed to New Mexico for a long weekend with good friends to visit another good friend. You will hear more about this later.

The even more good news is that we have had a bit of a shift in the weather. Knock on wood, but I think we are finished with triple digit temperatures for the year. Hopefully. It was beginning to feel like it would never happen and we were going to be stuck in a perpetual August. That is really how it feels. Like it is never going to change, even though your brain knows better. We still have highs in the nineties, but we are trending in the fall direction. I can feel it.

AND, we got some rain. At least and inch and a half. I will pause here for you to do a happy dance on my behalf. Then I will do one for you, just give me a reason to! You can count on me, dear readers!

We still need quite a bit more rain for the grass, the pond, and to start to bring down the drought deficit, but we will take any we can get. Lito and I rode the pastures Monday morning after checking the cows and calves and I can see some grass growth and some greening up. There was still barely any standing water and there are still a few cracks in the ground, but again, we are trending in the right direction.

The rain and the ticking down of temperatures really put me in good spirits after Ireland. As if the trip of a lifetime was not enough! I treated myself to a pumpkin spice late while I did some grocery shopping AND I made pumpkin bread. Ya, you heard me. We are all in the ‘ber months and fall is HERE. Get with it and get ready! It is time for baking and the season!

Tell me, have you started to celebrate fall? Have you decorated yet? Pulled out your sweaters? Indulged in anything pumpkin? Baked anything???

Walk in love, dear readers!

Begin As You Mean To Go On.

Or you know, a recipe for a good year!

But first (do not you just LOVE when I do that to you?!), back to Christmas real quick.

Happy Christmas, dear readers! Happy Hanukkah! Happy Kwanzaa! Happy New Year! Happy NEW DAY!

We can not just let Christmas slide right on by, even if that is what it seemed like it was going to do. I mean, can you even believe that I almost did not put up a tree?! Just so you know, I still have my tree up and the ornaments are still hanging and the lights are plugged in right now during my coffee time for my enjoyment and it will stay that way for several more days. Why not? It brings me joy! Happy Christmas! I told you I would get there.

Anyway, here is where we left off, lest you forget. The horses were less enthused with their annual Christmas portraits.

Merley Bob also got his turn by the tree and he was also not feeling it. At all!

He would not look at me.



Just look at that face. How anyone could not recognize animals’ personalities is beyond me.

Between horses and dog, I am not sure we could handle any more personality around here.

If you remember from when when we spoke last, I mentioned a little predicted winter weather before Christmas and, well, that prediction did come true. However, there was no precipitation and that alone was and is cause for celebration! Even if some snow can be pretty and fun for a little bit, the wet cold is so hard on the animals…and their caretakers. The weather we did have did mean that I had to be at the farm from the Wednesday (I think) before through to the day after Christmas to cover all pipes, break ice on water troughs, feed all the horses and cows, haul water, muck stalls, and blanket and re-blanket. Rinse and repeat and do a dance! I learned long ago from this man that dancing is how to get through winter, even our little Texas winter spurts.

I am just so blessed to have a working manure spreader, warm clothes, and that I have the ability to stay and work from the farm for the duration. To not have to spend valuable time burning up the highway to and from the office. At its coldest this time it was 16 degrees F with a feel like temperature of 1 degree, but it was definitely not as bad as the big freeze. I will say, these cold mornings are stunning and warming your hands on the horses is hard to beat.

I of course got some baking and cooking in as I am sure you guessed. I baked a pomegranate cake for Cousin H’s party before the winter set in. Then from the farm for Christmas day I baked a chocolate peppermint cake and a ridiculous pumpkin pecan pie cheesecake Aunt M sent me from facebook. I also put together a baked brie with homemade cranberry fig jelly.

I do love to do all this baking! It is a lot of work, especially to get it all done between winter chores to then get them undamaged an hours drive into town for our Christmas Day celebration, and then after all that, drive all the way back to get everyone fed and set for another cold night. I would not change it for a thing. It is so much fun to get everyone’s reaction to the treats.

To end a great Christmas Day that I got to start with my horses, I got to give all the horses a Christmas peppermint before dark. It is like insert peppermint quarter for a good time!

OK, now on to the point of this post! Here is your first AHA moment of 2023. Begin as you mean to go on.

This is the part where you take notes.

โ€œBegin as you mean to go on, and go on as you began, and let the Lord be all in all to you.โ€

โ€• Charles H. Spurgeon, All of Grace

Think of this as a recipe for a good year, if you will.

This is how I spent the first day of the year 2022. You can substitute whatever makes you happiest.

I remember thinking that this seems better than black eyed peas. I said a little prayer of thanksgiving for the blessing of being able to ride my best boy.

Fast forward through a lot of good times to December 31.

This is how I spent the last day of the year 2022.

I rode and spent some good time with R.

I think the year came out of the oven pretty alright. I think I did something right. 2022 I think was a pretty dang good year!

Were there hard times? Surely, everybody has them. Nobody is immune to the hard times.

I backed my car door into a tree, did several things I did not want to do, cried for and with friends and family, saw our vet (and others!) more than any other year, battled Mother Nature, WordPress lost some very important additions and edits on this post, and experienced grief in waves. Many waves.

There were more not so fun things I could mention, but at present I do not recall them or do not wish to. All of that is OK though because we are here today, surviving and doing it, and that is what matters. The thing is, no matter what you do you can not avoid the hard and the difficult. If you try to, you will miss and not experience the good bits. You can not selectively dull emotions. You dull one, you dull them all, including the happy.

I choose to focus on the good parts, and there were many.

I rode a lot, I rode alone, with friends, and in new places, played with my dog and watched him run and hunt and swim and smile, listened to a lot of music and books, traveled to Hawaii and spent time with family and made new family and rode, created art, experienced and enjoyed art, cooked, baked, one of my best friends that I had not seen in years came into town for the best visit, I went fishing, went to the beach, visited long time human and horse friends in my college town, got my own truck, learned a lot, made new friends, spent time with family and my people, celebrated, prayed, made memories, I looked a little bit past my grief.

I said YES.

Every day we wake is a blessing we were not promised and we should be grateful for each day we are granted. Every day is a new day. New Year’s day is not the only chance for us to start new. Every minute of every day we have the chance to make a choice. A choice to see the light, to be positive, to say yes, to do the right thing. To live in gratitude.

Thank you to 2022.

Happy 2023!

I have not said that much here since I carved this little corner of the internet.

Tell me about your holiday if you were celebrating! Tell me what you are grateful for this past year! Tell me what choice you are excited for this coming year!

Walk in love, dear readers!

Insert peppermint for a good time! I already have some exciting things in the works for this year.

I promise to use less commas and explanation points next time!.


An open call!

I am looking for some inspiration, my dear readers!

But real quick.

Is anyone else surprised that we are here halfway through November, staring and the holiday season coming in hot and heavy? Just me? Sometimes I stop and think and almost look around me and wonder how I got here! I am along for the ride though and would not change a thing.

Long time readers know I live for this time of year. The love and family time. The thanks and giving. The traditions. The cooking and baking. The lights and decorations. The festivity! I love it. We had a cold front blow in and the weather has now caught up to the season and is here to stay. Or as much as we have winter weather here in our part of the world. I am not really ready for the cold part though given how not fun winter 2020 was. I literally thought the big winter-pocalypse was winter 2021. I should be able to remember all of this given that last year I was able to go on a Hawaiian vacation, you knowโ€ฆbalance things out, but alas, my time memory is still warped from 2020 covid time.


It is time to crank up the festive. Turn on the happy. Remember the reason for the season!

So here is the deal, I want to know!

I want to know what are your favorite traditions? What makes the holidays for you? Favorite food (sweet or savory). Favorite music. Favorite activity or decorations.

What makes it festive for you?

I specifically want to know what is your favorite cake!

I am looking to try something new!

Every year (one year I even participated in a blog event!) I have shared my favorite Christmas music, fun animal photo shoots, and of course the cooking and baking. Have no fear, you will get some of that this year of course, but I want to know yours.

Drop and comment and share with us! Or send me an email at 13ahamoments@gmail.com.

Walk in love, dear readers!

A Hippie-Dippie Woo Adventure and The Bestest Boy.

The BESTEST boy.

I am going to brag here in a bit. You might just want to skip to the photos at the bottom from the ride!

The bestest boy not only earned, but he deserves some carrots and apples after last week.

They really are not even enough. All the treats in the world would not be enough!

I am not even kidding. About 20 times a day I would tell Lito how good, brave, and handsome he is.

It was more than him just taking care of me and safely carrying me around all week. It was more than him just being a good boy. Both of these things are blessings to be sure. Horses give us humans so much for our own gain that does not have much to do with the horse.

I know I get all hippie-dippie, but we were in sync. We had the same feelings there in the hills with over one hundred other horses and riders that we have had for the last few months no matter where we are. I know you horse people know how great it is to have the same horse away from home that you have at home. It is the same with dogs and kids. It does not happen all the time for a myriad of reasons.

Have we been riding more away from home than in the past? Yes, we have done that. Have we been riding more away from home with more horses than we have in the past? Yes, we have also done that. Have we spent more weekends away in company than we have in the past? Yup, that too. He has been better and better every year, which is generally to be expected too. But it is more. More of a feeling. That we are on the same wavelength. That we are both right there, in a secret, private place. Almost like a cocoon with nobody else even though we are surrounded by others. It feels as though we are the same. Communicating is not even the right word. Sure, there is that and it is more open and two way than ever, but it is the feel or feeling rather than communicating. The feeling of presence. The flow of energy that has no beginning and no end. If that makes sense. It is some pretty good woo stuff.

I got emotional a few times while we were riding. It was just the whole of it all. This horse came to be from a thought, a dream. It was something I always wanted and only became possible with my Cheetah. All the planning and waiting and trials in addition to trails, and here we are. I bred and trained this horse that carried me so proudly this week.


Please enjoy some shots from the ride. Other people and secret shenanigans omitted, as per usual.

R and I had an uneventful and even pleasant caravan drive to our home for the week. We even stopped at the big tack store on the way which we have not been able to do in a while. I snagged a new pair of reins and a curb chain. I told myself I could not get any more. I am just glad they did not have a sale going on like that one year!

We arrived in camp at about 11:30 AM. It took us no time at tall to get our horses set up and let the party begin.

Did I say buffalo?! Why, yes, yes I did. Follow Lito’s left ear and you can see a big ‘ol buffalo bull.

Pray for rain. It is pretty sad. We have been blessed with some rain at the farm, but dang. It was so so dry there. Basically no grass. Dirt and dust in and on all of our stuff. My jeans by the end of the week were standing up with dirt as if they had been starched! But look at that hill country sky!

Not that I necessarily pray for a flood, but this drought might be worse than 2011.

Before we headed back this day, we went up the big hill for the best view.

My not so little Lito just trucked up and down without a trouble or extra breath it seemed. He gave everyone their space and kept pace with little input by me.

My photos are a little blurry and I apologize for that. They are all taken with my phone and I tried to clean the lens before every shot, but sometimes it did not seem to help at all.

The tract across the highway has a little more grass, which Lito was delighted with, but still way less than past years.

Why not Line Back Dun Gold??? Lito did sport some glitter one day like last year, and it is still just as fun! I had fancy braids planned, but I ran out of time for that.

If you have not guessed or did not know, this area and this river in particular are quite special and iconic in Texas. We are blessed to be able to ride here!

This place has some of the grandest cypress trees of all. It is very difficult to get a pic with Lito in it AND the tops of the trees! They are so big around, we would need four of us to hug the trunks!

We had cloudy mornings and clear, blue afternoons every day! We did not have any rain, but I think would have all welcomed a little sprinkle or two at night to settle the dust.

The Frio river itself has actually had a good amount of input and was flowing in places. It offers a good long drink and a nice cold soak to cool the horse’s hooves and legs before lunch.

We got a bit of a later start on the drive back home because somebody’s horse would not load, but eventually it did. Lito loaded well and hauled pretty well back home to the farm. I got him settled and fed and then the same to myself before dark. Then it was a hot bath and champagne before bed.

We rode. We swam. We shared stories. We remembered. We laughed. We cried. We enjoyed each other and our horses. Mostly though, I loved on and appreciated my horse.

Each year, while we ride in the same place, is different. However, one thing remains the same. This place and these days and these horses and these people, are all those the Lord has made. Tomorrow is never promised. Learn that lesson now. Enjoy now.

Remember, focus on the positive, not the negative! Most all things wash out in the rain, just another reason to pray for it!

Walk in love, dear readers!

Farm Porch Coffee.

Well, dear readers, this little corner of the interwebs has turned into a once a month update at best! That statement at this point could read once every two months. Details. There are worse things to be sure, however I do apologize for it. It is not what I had intended.

How have yโ€™all been?

I am sitting outside on the porch at the farm with my coffee. It is quiet and still. I am putting off thinking about what all I need to do in favor of writing to you! I think I was doing that last time I wrote.

Where is Merle you ask? A logical question as it might not be this still were he here. He got dropped off at the kennel yesterday for boarding. He is at his annual stay while I am about to begin loading up in preparation to head for the hill country for my annual ride. I have a quick respite here at the farm before striking out right before dawn on Monday to meet up with R and her mount to go west.

More on that later. Back to the still.

If you havenโ€™t noticed, which might be true for some as I myself have no idea how we went straight through September and well into October in less than a blink, but alas, here we are! Blessed be! The curse of being an adult.

I am sitting here with my coffee watching the first colors of the sunrise to the east. I can hear someone, most likely Cheetah, in the barn behind the house pawing her empty feed bucket thinking I will come back and give her more. It is so quiet, I can hear the water spray on the pond in the distance over my shoulder. The air has changed enough that everything sounds different. The birds are chirping all around me and the cows are softly mooing. The air, while pretty humid, still contains that distinct fall softness. If it was less humid, it would almost feel like cashmere. This morning is reminiscent of a morning in Colorado for whatever reason. Most likely the quiet aloneness.

It is just cool enough, and I suppose humid enough, that I considered grabbing something with sleeves to throw on.

Well, this is going to be a long one, I guess. And well, scattered. What all have we been up to since, August, was it? Let us see. Side note, I am starting to realize why Merle goes crazy about the squirrels. They have gotten rather brazen I must say.

A pretty picture of a sunrise from behind the barn. It looks like something out of a storybook.

I write a lot about the weather. In August, it was the heat and what the seasons remind one of. Funny how no matter your lifestyle, the weather is something we all live our lives around. It is something that grounds us and reminds us how small we are in this world. Like the mountains. And the rivers and oceans. Is it just me?

I couldnโ€™t pick just one!

The deer feeder by the pond just went off, if you wanted to know. It is a new one and quite loud.

Anyway. Stay focused.

As you well know, we have been riding. And Lito, well he is great. And turbo cute. I just can not get enough of him.

I may have a problem, but I am OK with that.

It feels funny or odd to say this, but I have been trying to spend a lot of time nurturing my friendships with my human friends. I have been very โ€˜sociallyโ€™ busy for me. This is something I think I am normally pretty good at, but lately I have been doing less of it while going through my own stuff. I have been calling to check in with people. Sending a quick text. Grabbing drinks or dinner. Offering help if needed. I want to be there for my people the way some were there for me. Put it on your to do list if you have to. It is all we have. I will be honest, it has been pumping life into me.

Just look at this Merle pup. Just the happiest of all dogs I think. I look at him sometimes and am reminded that, man, happiness is as simple as a choice! Every day.

As you can well imagine, the Merle has been living the life and giving me the life through him!

All dogs are happy, but something makes me feel he is the happiest.

I tried to get enough horse hay to get us through the winter. I used to never even think of this until late October or November. One of the many joys of being where we are. This year is definitely different as many livestock owners will tell you. There are many factors, but the point is, as everyone in the world can tell you, the prices on everything have skyrocketed. Feed across the board included. Throw in a shortage made worse by Mother Nature and well, you shop around, write a check early, put your gloves and music on, and get to work stacking hay in the summer heat of early September. Youโ€™ll be covered in sweat, dust, and hay, but you will feel great.

This is Merle questioning the work. He liked this bed of last yearโ€™s leftovers.

Setters are so special. This one in particular.

Pretty satisfying work.

We went to ride with friends in two new to us places. Lito really loves exploring and seems very comfortable in his set up. I feel blessed to be able to take the Merle most places and loves it too.

I have to say. These panels are amazing. He is not a small horse if you have noticed and I can lift these with one hand. I bought them several years ago and I have never regretted it.

There is something magical about riding in a forest of trees. I have said it before. I must be living a dream because I will say it feels like something out of a storybook. And now I have said that twice in one post!

See what I mean?! I have no words.

Just like sunsets at the farm render me silent.

My boy, just being my boy.

We rode a 2500 acre ranch southwest of us a couple weekends ago. The riding there. There were some very special moments. There is a lot of tree riding to be had there too! And some very nice big oak trees.

I absolutely downloaded this off a friendโ€™s page. Something about it. One of the few pictures of me!

Last weekend I spent some quality time at the farm with Lito and groomed him for an hour. His fall dapples inspired me even if they are hard to capture in a picture. I even braided his mane. Just because. Gave him many treats. We took a hand grazing walk before I turned him out in a special pasture. To say thank you, he promptly rolled. Gotta love horses!

This also happened last weekend. He was quite pleased with himself. No judging on the state of this farm garage! This is Merlโ€™s life in a nutshell. And, well, mine too!

My Lito, he is ready for this week. He has been at a really steady weight and condition. He has gained muscle. He has really seemed to, grow seems the wrong word. Expand? He has really expanded in his mind, body, and spirit. Sounds funny, I know. He has more than matured. Sure, he is still the goofy teenager he always will be, but he has matured. Seems more grounded. More confident. Not just in himself, but in me too and our communication. Our relationship. He seems softer or quieter in his mind or energy. Maybe I am too. That is generally how it works. I am really looking forward to this ride with him.

The sun is now shining the last of its golden glow on the front pasture while the birds are in full concert. Past time to get moving!

Walk in love, dear readers! I will speak with you soon upon our return!