Takes Me Back

How has your weekend been? It has been busy and rainy around here. No riding for me, unfortunately, but great times had none the less. This is going to be a long week, but on the plus side, the time has finally changed! Cheers to more hours in the day to fit in rides. For the next two weeks I am house and dog sitting for some friends. The dogs are already tired after 3 days of shenanigans.

An Elliot Randall song came up on my shuffle while driving this weekend and I was immediately transported back to freshman year of college.

I love how a song can take you right back to another place and time. Almost as if I had never left. Every time it happens, which as you can guess is quite a bit for me given my love of music, it amazes me. It is so vivid. This particular song sparked all the remembrance and longing of simpler times. No real responsibilites outside of school and having fun. Hanging out with friends. Driving around that college town to and from campus and the barn with the windows down. While at the same time accompanied by all the angst involved with forging your path on your own, unable to avoid thinking about the unknown future. Struggling to find the faith you know you have in there. I can see myself there, sitting at a read light on my way back to the dorm one night from the barn. Looking out at the night lights blaring this song. Letting it permeate and feeling it because there was no avoiding it.

That last part makes me all the more appreciative of where I am now. I still do not have many answers, but I am much closer to them now than I was then. AHAmoment.

Does a song ever do that to you? Just me? Tap, tap. Anyone still there?

Got to spend time today with a great friend from that simpler time in my life. It was so great to catch up in person for the first time in years. It was good for the soul.

Walk in love, dear readers.

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