30 Tidbits About Me

Want to know more about me? This is for you, everyone new and old to the happenings over here at AHAmoments. I have been asked a few questions over time and thought it would be a good idea for another ‘about me’ installment. You can get to know me a little better. Maybe you have zero care to know more and hey, that is cool too.

Honestly, this is a hard thing for me to do. I do not really fancy talking about myself. I much prefer to talk about other things. Like horses and music.

Odd that I have a blog, right? I know.

Anyway. I have seen a couple of people do a ’30 Facts About Me You Didn’t Know’ post, so it seemed like a sign. I am hopping on the band wagon, or something like that. To read through theirs, click here and here. I may or may not have gotten some inspiration from them, so thanks to them!

  1. I have a B.S. and an M.S. in Geology from two different schools. I took a year off in between and wish I had taken more time. During that time off, I worked at a kitchen supply store that offered cooking classes. I helped with the classes and it was pretty fun. I learned some things and got a discount. I should have purchased more things.
  2. I rode most every day at least once when I was in college. Man, how I miss that. Tell me again why I wanted to leave and go to work? Oh, right. I had to pay for my habit.
  3. I have never lived outside of the state of Texas and have only lived in two cities.
  4. In high school, I was voted biggest fan of Texas. Which is actually really cool to me because I am and I did not know that many people knew me that well. I am a small, close knit friend group kind of gal and was more focused on riding horses and getting out of there than anything else. I liked to fly under the radar.Johnny-Depp-How-Did-You-Know-Question-Gif
  5. My favorite subjects were the ones I had the best and most passionate teachers. I liked Texas and American History because, well, Texas. But also because those two were my BEST teachers. There is not really a subject that does not come up because I had at least one amazing teacher in every subject. I loved all of my art classes and even entered in some art contests when I was in middle school. I really loved taking photography and I wish I had taken some photography classes in college.
  6. I found writing difficult when I was in school because I felt like a square peg in a round hole world. Which really defines the majority of my growing up. I also can’t spell very well and transpose letters all the time. It is interesting to me now that I have a blog and enjoy the writing. When I get to typing, I find that it flows pretty easily here. I get to be myself and I like sharing my stories with you. Even the hard stuff. Stay square, kids, or round, whatever shape you may be.
  7. I played soccer growing up and for a couple years in high school. Defense, if you want to know. I stopped playing because it took too much time away from my horses. That is how I got into doing 4H. My mother said I could not be anti social and spend all my time at the farm. I am still friends with someone I met in 4H. We actually lived together our freshman year of college. In hindsight, that might not have been the best idea either of us had, but we are still friends. Water under the bridge.
  8. I sometimes dream about being a radio DJ or doing something in the music business so I can share what I am listening to with anyone who wants to listen and to be surrounded by it. Or to be a musician or singer. Like yesterday and today. I have had a crazy awesome mix of artists and songs playing. Usually, it helps keep me focused on my work. Today however, it is so good that the music is all I can think about and it just keeps coming! I almost can not function it is that good. Music is life, man.
  9. I am starting to teach myself how to play the guitar on a guitar my grandfather gave my mother. It is something I have always wanted to do. I also want to learn to play the piano. Really all the instruments, but we will start here.
  10. I am as passionate about food as I am music. I love to plan my meals. Make them an experience. The funny thing is that I used to be REALLY REALLY REALLY picky, but I still loved to cook things I did not like. I got tired of missing out and now I eat most things. Except sushi. I am out on that. And foods with strange textures.
  11. I want to travel the world for food and booze, music, and horses. I thought about studying abroad when I was in college, but I did not want to study while I was there. I just wanted to experience. I am going to France this summer and can not wait to eat good food and drink good wine, listen to great music, and ride all the horses. I want all of my future travel will be centered around riding.
  12. Tequila is my drink of choice.
  13. I also think I need to have one of those outfits to ride my dun fancy dancer.
  14. I have zero tattoos and only have my ears pierced. I did not get my ears pierced until I was in college. Now, I rarely am without earrings. They are my favorite accessory.
  15. My hair is curly and I never know how it is going to look from day to day. I just roll with what I get. When I was little, my mom’s cousin said, “man, her hair is just a party.” Rock on, man. There is a lot of music playing in my head on a day to day basis, so I am a party.
  16. I have a very strange obsession with ‘reality’ TV and Hallmark movies. Strange I know. I do not understand myself.
  17. I also have a strange fascination with mens 70’s fashion.
  18. I read terrible romance novels. I love them. Shhh. I even have a few on audio book so I can listen while I drive.
  19. I like to be creative and do crafts. Paint (especially pottery). Decorate. Popsicle sticks and Elmers. You name it.
  20. I love to fish. I could fish all day and not catch a thing I love it that much.
  21. I have two older sisters and a lot of cousins. We are all very close.
  22. I have been horse crazy since before I can remember. Horses make up the majority of my thoughts. I remember most every horse I come across. I do not have that talent of remembering when it comes to people.
  23. I do not mind eating out alone and do it quite often, but I prefer to have some company.
  24. I do not like to go shopping. It is just really not my thing. Especially with people who randomly walk around without a system. Hello, there needs to be a system! I don’t really even like grocery shopping. It takes me too long, I always have to ask where something is, and there is always a long check out. Every. Time. Without fail. No matter how hard I try.
  25. I have a very low attachment to my purse. I leave it places too often. This is not good.
  26. When the weather is nice, I sleep with my windows open so I can wake to the sound of the birds. I have been doing that since I was little.
  27. People tell me often that they think I am older than I am. I am OK with that.
  28. I ran into a car door once when I was a spastic kid and split my eyebrow open. I cried when I thought I was going to have to get stitches. Luckily, I did not need them.
  29. I got heat stroke once at the farm. I do not remember how old I was, but I remember everything else. It was awful. Drink water kids and stay in the shade.
  30. I wake up early. All the time. And have for a long time. No matter what time I go to bed, the latest I generally sleep is 7 AM. Usually I am up earlier than that.
  31. I blush at the drop of a hat. All the time. Turn the attention on me, I blush. Say something that is inappropriate in mixed company, I blush. Anything. It can be embarrassing. Part of my overly expressive face. I do not have to say what I am thinking or feeling, you can generally read it on my face.giphy (2)

Tell me, dear readers, something about you! Let us get to know each other better and share our stories. Or want to know more about me? Ask me! I always thought of myself as an open book, but I read somewhere that nobody really is, so let us turn the pages.

Name that lyric and song…

Walk in love!

A Year Later

A year later and I still have no words to describe it. Not the feelings I have. Certainly not the feelings of my family.

Even now as I type these words, it feels so utterly strange. Uncharted territory, even as the first year is up. Different from a year ago, and yet, the same. I am not sure if anyone else in this situation has felt this way. I suppose each is different.

Yesterday I was aimlessly scrolling through Facebook and I wondered to myself, why am I doing this? Something so simple and mindless and downright meaningless? I had that EXACT same thought and feeling a year ago today after I heard the news.

Honestly, I did not want to write this post today and I have been dreading it. I do not want to relive it and do not want certain readers to relive it. It is too close. I did not want to offend or hurt anyone. To dishonor him.

Then it occurred to me that I, or we, do not need a blog post to relive it. It happens all the time. Thankfully, a little less as time goes on. Time heals, little by little. It becomes apparent when you look back. That I know for sure.

I need to write this post. For me. For my family. And for you. For anyone that has ever lost anyone. For him. To celebrate him and his life and his loved ones. The survivors because that is what we are. My Uncle was a beautiful and faithful man. Which makes it even harder at times. I suspect we will never know the answer to why in this earthly life. As is the way with many things we go through. There are no answers.

The only way I know how to honor him is to celebrate this life that I am blessed to have. That I am here to witness the Lord’s beauty around me. To LIVE every minute and celebrate every moment like it is my last. Do what makes my heart smile. Seek the Lord and allow His will to be done through me. To be a blessing to those around me. That is what I am thankful for this Thanksgiving.

So, that is what I am trying to do and what I try to encourage others to do.

I still pray for us to lean into our Lord in these hard times. To grow together. To grow in our faith together. As a family. It is hard and will continue to be. But we have to. We have to for ourselves and for the next generation.

I hope I have not lost you. For those of you that were not here or do not know the story and would like to, I have linked my writings of the series of events from a year ago below. In sharing these posts again, my only hope is to reach those that need to hear these words. For them to know they are not alone and that there are people that have been through this. That know how they feel. That there is still beauty and light all around us.

How Do I Title This: November 22, 2016

Thanksgiving Eve: November 23, 2016

A Prayer You Can Borrow: November 27, 2016

Today: November 28, 2016

The Aftermath: November 30, 2016

This weekend, while sitting by the fire with a cocktail in my hand and my dog at my feet, I put this string of songs together that got me thinking.

I hope you enjoy them.

Thanks to Middle Sister, K for sharing this last one with me. Pass it on.

That is all for now.

Reflections on a great clinic coming up soon!

Walk in love, dear readers.

Please pass along to anyone that needs or wants to read.

Takes Me Back

How has your weekend been? It has been busy and rainy around here. No riding for me, unfortunately, but great times had none the less. This is going to be a long week, but on the plus side, the time has finally changed! Cheers to more hours in the day to fit in rides. For the next two weeks I am house and dog sitting for some friends. The dogs are already tired after 3 days of shenanigans.

An Elliot Randall song came up on my shuffle while driving this weekend and I was immediately transported back to freshman year of college.

I love how a song can take you right back to another place and time. Almost as if I had never left. Every time it happens, which as you can guess is quite a bit for me given my love of music, it amazes me. It is so vivid. This particular song sparked all the remembrance and longing of simpler times. No real responsibilites outside of school and having fun. Hanging out with friends. Driving around that college town to and from campus and the barn with the windows down. While at the same time accompanied by all the angst involved with forging your path on your own, unable to avoid thinking about the unknown future. Struggling to find the faith you know you have in there. I can see myself there, sitting at a read light on my way back to the dorm one night from the barn. Looking out at the night lights blaring this song. Letting it permeate and feeling it because there was no avoiding it.

That last part makes me all the more appreciative of where I am now. I still do not have many answers, but I am much closer to them now than I was then. AHAmoment.

Does a song ever do that to you? Just me? Tap, tap. Anyone still there?

Got to spend time today with a great friend from that simpler time in my life. It was so great to catch up in person for the first time in years. It was good for the soul.

Walk in love, dear readers.