From Me To You

Here is a little between the ears time from last weekend.

Just me, my horse, and my dog.

Just a little something from me to you. To brighten your day, if you will. For anyone who has not had enough of this in their life. Or any of it. To help make it a good Friday.

Memories of moments like this help get me through tough days or weeks. I am grateful for them.

Work has been crazy and ride time has not been very plentiful for me lately. Between the weather and life’s crazy schedule it has been difficult, and this weekend will be no different. I am hoping to get out there for at least a couple hours.

It is just the way it goes sometimes.


I hope you enjoy my dirty, happy dog. The creaking of my saddle. That moment where Cheetah tries to snag a bite of grass. The muddy pasture and green grass. The dynamic clouds.

Walk in love, dear readers!

Middle Of Nowhere

Nowhere I tell you.

You know, grief and loss are some interesting things.

Or rather, that moment is interesting when they smack you like a mac truck out the middle of nowhere.


Did you feel that?!

Where the heck did that come from??!!

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The middle of nowhere, that is where.


Well, I guess not quite exactly.

There I was today, in my office. At my desk. In the middle of the long afternoon on an innocent Wednesday. Just working away doing my thing while listening to music.

Then all of a sudden…this song comes on.

And then, BOOM!


I was smacked in the face and straight through to the heart. It all almost came right out my eyes, but it got lodged right there in my throat, above my chest, in a knot for a good ten minutes. Practically choking me.

And this had nothing to do with Merle Haggard (although, yes, that is sad too) and everything to do with the memory of my grandfather.

No Sir, he will never be gone. He lives on in us in so many ways.

Man oh man. That was exhausting! Excuse me while I go bawl my eyes out. Be back later.

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Has that ever happened to you? Seemingly out of the blue?

I told you I get this way this time of year.

Walk in love, dear readers.

Wine, Pie & Time

Time is an interesting thing.

A powerful thing. Giving things time can have impressive effects. Have you ever heard the term ‘just sleep on it’? Well, now you have if you had not before. If you just sit back and think it completely through and wait till morning, you will often get a more harmonious result from not being reactionary.

Time is also a healer. I know this is a universal thing across all cultures and most know it to be true. There are of course songs written about it. After a difficult life event, it feels like time goes at a snail’s pace. Even when you keep busy to keep your mind occupied and try to make the time go faster. Grasping at anything to get you farther from the memories. The feelings. The sadness. The hurt. The anger. You just keep going, taking one step at a time because that is all you can do.

“They say music takes you back to a time. And time is a healer of things.”

Then, it happens. Time has gone by without you realizing it and you look back and realize how far you have come. Amazed at how long ago that happened. How did it get to be years ago?

That happened to me today. Looking back, I never thought it would happen. I still think of that day two years ago often and I know I will the rest of my life. Even just a few days ago, without realizing that it has been two years. Two years does not seem like a long time to some that are removed from the situation. But it feels like so long ago. So much has happened and so much has changed in that time.

Two years ago, we had to put down our first horse. You can read about that day by clicking HERE. He was over 30 years old and we had him for over half his life. He changed my life. That day was so hard, yet so wonderful at the same time. There is such beauty present in the dichotomy of this earthly life. AHAmoment. How something so hard and difficult also presents such life, light, and love is amazing to me. Your faith and spirit are always there. AHAmoment. Something that never goes away. I feel so blessed that I was open to seeing it in that moment, at that time.

We drowned our sorrows in red wine and chocolate pie that night and listened to this song. It always reminds me of him. To this day, it is still my favorite remedy for loss and I recommend it to many.

I am grateful for time. The time I had with him. The time in the moment, even though it was so hard. The time to heal since then and the time I take to remember the memories.

There are many in my life that have lost in the past year. Lost family members or loved ones. Lost horses and dogs. Lost their homes. Tonight I think will be a wine and pie night in memory…after I run.

Walk in love, dear readers.


That is what a blank blog post says.


I do not have anything.

I can not force it today. That is what it feels like.

Nothing clever or insightful to say. No song to share. No cute pictures to brighten your day.

Everything is old, nothing is new.

I will share that because it is at least funny. It will give you a chuckle. Maybe. It gives me a chuckle.

Let me explain. My Father’s brother, Uncle K and his family, live in Hawaii. Several years ago, we went to visit them. I have no idea when. Was I in elementary school or middle school? I do not know. That is not an important detail outside of the fact that I was much younger. Anyway, they introduced us to this Hawaiian comedian. There was a whole album to listen to. Half of his bit is prank calling restaurants. OK, if you worked at said restaurants, I can see how that might not be very funny…but come on. It is. As kids, we about lost it. We still laugh about it as a family. Reminds us of that special family trip. “Anything special. No. Everything is old, nothing is new,” stuck with us all!

The only exciting thing I have to share is that I skipped lunch to go to my local tack store to look for a new bit to try for Lito (OK, maybe only exciting for me and other horse people). He constantly plays with the simple, plain egg butt snaffle I have been using and fights it. I found two today to try. Might have been a bit of a splurge, but hey, you can never have too many bits, right?! No? Oh well, I got a three piece D ring with a copper link and a fatter, plain D snaffle. I already have a plain D ring that has a more curved mouth piece. For as big as he may seem, his lower jaw is somewhat narrow. I am thinking either the above mentioned 3 piece or the D I already have might work. We will see.

Random, I know.

Going to take my Darcy dog for a long walk now. Gotta get outside.

Walk in love, dear readers!

Fire Alarm

We had the fire alarm go off in my office building this afternoon. I think my head is still ringing from the alarm.

After checking the postings in the kitchen to see if this was a scheduled test, which of course it was not, we all gathered and walked downstairs and outside. Gathered may be a strong word. We, which means me, made sure everyone was leaving and then just made our way out. All the adults…er, people in charge or powers at be were out of the office at the time. Figures.

I went into a straight up, even if momentary, panic at having to make sure everyone left. Hello, I am the youngest one in the office! For some reason, some people have a hard time following that simple rule in our office. I should be the rebel that does not follow the rules!

Alright fine. Ya, right. I am no rebel. I follow the rules. Most of the time. When I don’t, I just don’t talk about it.

All of that stress and ear holding made me wish we had a beer garden downstairs. Especially since the weather is simply beautiful.

It made me think about being in elementary school (not the beer part!) when everyone knew what to do in the event of a fire alarm. No questions. I remember it happening all the time.

There was one time, when I was in elementary school, that the fire alarm went off while I was in the restroom down the hall from our classroom. Just for a minute, put yourself there in your little, innocent elementary school self. All by yourself in the bathroom. Are you there yet? Scary, right???

It must have been unscheduled since my teacher allowed me to go. I hope. Anyway, I was wearing overalls, I remember. Back when overalls were a thing and everyone wore them. They may or may not have been made of black velvet. I know you are jealous.

When the alarm went off, I got so freaked out, I ran out of the bathroom before I had fully buckled my overall straps! I ran down the hall with my left shoulder strap flapping. When I reached my class and got in line to walk out of the school, I looked around and then fastened the strap, fully mortified that I ran out of the bathroom in that way. Funny the things we remember and remember well.

I also do not remember my teacher looking surprised or relieved upon my return to the classroom. Hopefully my sprint from the bathroom was so fast that she had not yet started going through the roll sheet.

Back to real life, where there is no beer garden downstairs.

Half way through the week! You can do it! Just 2 more work days until you can go and do what feeds your flame. You know what I will be doing.

A little more than 11 days until the time changes and we have more daylight!


What will y’all be doing with more daylight???

Daily Dose Of Cute

Who does not love baby animals? No one.



I bet you are smiling now.

Please excuse all the ‘stuff’ in the pen. I wanted him to be exposed to as many things as possible so he would be brave and confident when he grew up. He is.

Nothing like babies to warm the heart.

I watched the news this morning and it was depressing. Mornings should not be ruined by the ‘news.’

I went to a baby shower with my mother yesterday after work that was hosted by our church. We all brought gifts to donate to a pregnancy help center that helps pregnant women in need who do not have the means or knowledge to support their baby. I was quite moved by it and am so happy I went.

While getting ready for work today, Jonah Werner came up on my music shuffle. It gave me all the feels. My middle sister and I listened to him on the day of my Uncle’s funeral. When my sister was in middle school (and I was in elementary school), she went to a Jonah Werner concert at the church my Uncle, Aunt, and Cousins went and still go to.

Have a great day. I am focusing on the positive and the happy.

Walk in love.

Sneak Attack

You know how memories or emotions can sneak up on you when you least expect them? Like a sneak attack? Sometimes happy, sometimes…not?

For instance, today, when I left my office building and entered the open air parking garage to drive home for lunch. The garage is where the smokers smoke. Every time I smell the distant, faint smell, I am immediately transported to the barn I used to take horseback riding lessons at. Where I first started. My instructor smoked. The lounge smelled of it. She smelled of it. The arena faintly smelled of it.

Sometimes, when I smell cigarette smoke, in fact most times, I think of negative things like cancer. Morbid, I know. Not in our parking garage though. I hear Dorthy’s voice calling out instructions during a lesson, in her raspy, characteristic voice. I think of the dusty arena and stall aisles. The golden light that shone through the barn boards and onto the shiny, clipped Saddlebreds as they ate in their stalls. I think of that lady who boarded her two Quarter Horses there. One of them was a gray mare. That kind lady would let me help her groom and sit on that mare’s back during my sister’s lesson. I often go back to the feeling of my favorite lesson of all time where I got to leave the indoor arena to have my lesson in one of two grassy turnouts out back. I do not remember the actual lesson. Maybe there was not really one. Maybe I just got to ride. That is what I remember. Riding. Just being with the horse, the sunlight, the grass, and the wind in the trees and the horse’s mane. I was riding Smokey, a gray gelding. It was over too fast. Maybe this is why I have always had a thing for grays. Those two favorites of mine at the barn. I was 7 or 8 at the time.

The sneak attack is not always a happy memory, is it? We had a big conference for work
last week and, if you remember, on the first day I spilled my coffee on my white shirt. I seem to have a problem with spilling on myself. You learn new things about yourself when you blog. Anyway, the first thing that came to mind was when you are trying to get the last of a drink in a cup full of ice. You know, when the ice holds tight to the base of the glass until you are convinced you are safe to enjoy the last sip, and then wham, out tumbling comes the ice in your face like boulders off a mountain. Major sneak attack, whether it is coffee or ice. I figured I would cover it up the best I could with my name tag and, if need be, use it as a good ice breaker for people coming up to the booth to talk.

That same day, during a short, slow stint in the booth, feeling self conscious about my coffee stain, I was blankly staring down the aisle at the various people wandering and talking. I caught sight of this man. He was talking to the people in a booth diagonally down a ways. I had a rear, 45 degree angle view on him. The first thing I realized when I clued into my thoughts was, is that my Uncle B? Everything came screeching to halt in my brain. If I had been drinking coffee, I might have spilled on myself again. This man had the same hair, clothes, height, stance, and profile as my Uncle from what I could see. The shock, sadness, and surprise came on me again all at once. Not dissimilar to the feeling when I saw his brother that looks exactly like him through a window on that day. Luckily for me last week, the feeling was fleeting.

I spoke with my mother about it when we went on a walk ride Sunday morning. I was not going to share it with her because I did not want to focus on the negative, I wanted to remember the positive. He would have been eager to hear how the conference went and what people were talking about the next time we got together. Were people getting hopeful or excited yet in the industry. Asking if I networked and met new people.

My mother was the one who brought it up. She was walking and I was riding. It is our thing. There was a lull in the conversation and we were together in the silence. I was remembering that moment at the conference the very second that my mother started to talk about him. Funny how that happens. We all are experiencing the same things in our own ways. We are never alone in anything that we go through. AHAmoment.


Have you had any sneak attacks lately? Good or not so?

Walk in love, dear readers.


Yesterday evening I found myself thinking a lot about my Uncle.

It started while watching a TV show and he just came to me. I will admit, it was not a happy thought.

Recently, his memory will come and it will go. That statement makes it sound fleeting, but it is far from that. I mean comes and goes throughout the day. There is rarely a day that goes by where I do not spend time thinking about it. Sometimes short moments far a part. Sometimes longer ones closer together. The past couple of weeks have been pretty good for me as the thoughts and memories have generally been happy ones instead of haunting ones.

Like last weekend when I made this chocolate cake with a raspberry cream cheese icing for my Grandmother’s (on the other side of the family) birthday. I unnamedalways think of him when I bake. I love to bake, as I am sure you have noticed by now. Typically I will bring a baked something to all our family gatherings. Uncle B would always tell me how he looked forward to whatever dessert I chose to bring and was my main source for honest feedback on my desserts. Really, honest feedback and advice on way more than just cake. I really miss that. I can just see his face now.

Anyway, I digress. Last night while watching TV, in reaction to something I saw or heard I guess, I quickly got sad and began to replay in my mind everything that had happened. It is crazy how that feeling can envelope you in an instant. I stopped myself from going too far down that road (yay me for controlling my focus!), but I could not quite shake the feeling.

After texting with my Cousin before bed later that night about other things, she brought it up. I decided to send my Aunt a quick text to remind her that I love her.

I think it is time for us all to come back together.

Walk in love, dear readers.